Index to references cited in Mulder's book

This index was compiled by Stephen Williams. I have re-formatted it; it should be tidier, but this version is already useful. Pages indicated with a lower-case “p” are pages in the citation; page numbers preceded by “PG” are the page in Mulder where they appear.

'Report of the Krakatoa Committee of the Royal Society'. 1888. PG. 25,30

'The Editor' "Knowledge". (cf. Maclear's letter). PG. 72

'The Green Flash'. "Scientific American Supplement". Aug. 31, 1912. p.139. PG. 105

'The editor of Symons's Met. Mag.' in connection with Admiral Maclear's letter. PG. 72

["E.L.G."], "English Mechanic". vol L. p.97. PG. 29

Arrhenius. "Kosm. Physik". 56 [p.829]. PG. 100

Arrhenius, Svante Dr. "Lehrbuch der Kosmischen Physik". 1903. p.856. PG. 113

Backhouse, T.W. The 'green flash'. "Mon. Not. of the R.A.S." vol LXII p.430 March 1902. PG. 49,52

de Ball, Dr. 'On the Influence of Vapour Pressure on Refraction'. "M.N.R.A.S." vol LXV. p.750-755. PG. 69 (not on green flash)

Börnstein, R. Leitfaden der Wetterkunde. 3e Auflage. 1913 p.100. PG. 48

Braak, Dr. C. 'Een reeks waarnemingen van den Groenen Straal'. "Hemel en Dampkring". Aug. 1915. PG. 50,121

Brandt, B. 'Zur Kenntniss des grünen Strahles'. "Die Naturwissenschaften". June 11th. 1920. PG. 140

Brown, Miss E. 'The green ray'. "J.B.A.A." vol VIII p.46. PG. 28

Coutinho, Gago, Capt. Portuguese Navy. 'The artificial green flash'. "The Observatory". Feb. 1919. pg. 80. PG. 126

Davis, Prof. W.M. "Elementary Meteorology". p.50. PG. 71

De Maubeuge à M.Mascart. "Compt. Rend." C III p.1147. 1886. PG. 17

Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Maubeuge à M. le Président. 'Physique du globe. Sur une observation du rayon vert au moment du lever du Soleil.' "Compt. rendus". CXXVII 1898 p.453. PG. 30

Dorn, Dr. Prof. 'Eine Beobachtung des grünen Strahls'. "Met. Zeit.". April 1904. PG. 63

Dukes, Archibald. "Nature" 42, p.127, June 1890 PG. 20

Ekama. 'Das blau grüne Flamchen, beobachtet am 10 Aug. 1896 an der Nordküste. "Met. Zeitschrift". 1896 p.427. PG. 26

Evans, R.C.T., 'The "Green Ray" at sunset’. "Nature". vol.XCIII. p.664. PG. 97, 115 (line 1), 138

Exner, F. Prof. 'Der grüne Strahl der untergehenden Sonne.' "Met. Zeit.". Jan. 1903. p.42. PG. 61

Flöckher, Prof. 'Eine Beobachtung des grünen Sonnenstrahles'. "Vereinigung von Freunden der Astronomie und Kosmischen Physik". Sept. 1909. PG. 98,106

Fox, Wilson Lloyd. 'The green flash'. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1907. p.234. PG. 90

Franklin-Adams. The green flash at sunset. "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society". vol LXI No. 7 May 1901. PG. 48,71

Goodacre, W. 'The green Flash by W. Goodacre'. "J.B.A.A." vol XV p.382. PG. 63

Groff, W. "Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien". p.149, 1898. PG. 22,33

Groff, W. "Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien". p.360. 1898. PG. 22,24,33

Guébhart. Séance de la Société française de Physique. Paris 1899. PG. 35

Guillaume, M. Ch. Ed. "L'Astronomie". Dec. 1919. p.514. Séance du 5 nov. 1919. PG. 129,130

Hardcastle, Mr. "J.B.A.A." p.265. ***vol. 15 is omitted by Mulder*** PG. 62

Hills. 'The green flash'. "M.N.R.A.S." LXII 1902 p.431. PG. 52

Julius, W.H. Over het ontstaan van dubbellijnen in het spectrum der chromospheer door anomale dispersie van photospheer licht. "Verslag an Meded. Kon. Acad. v. Wetensch.". 28 Sept. 1901. PG. 43

Julius, W.H. Prof. Le Rayon Vert. "Arch. Néerlandaises". 1901 p.385. PG. 41

Julius, W.H., Physik der Sonne. "Handwörterbuch der Naturwissenschaften". 1912. PG. 7

Julius, W.H. Phénoménes du soleil, expliquées par la dispersion anomale de la lumiére. "Arch. Neerl." 1902 p.155. PG. 44

"Kosmos" Dec 1913 Abth. Wandern und Reisen. PG. 3,4,95

Kelvin. Blue Ray at sunrise over Mont Blanc. "Nature". 1899 p.411. PG. 39,53

Kiessling, J. 'Untersuchungen über Dämmerungserscheinungen'. Hamburg and Leipzig 1888. PG. 25

Kritzinger, Dr. H.H. 'Der Grüne Strahl'. "Sirius". Sept. 1914. p.209. PG. 106

Kritzinger, Dr. H.H. 'Der grüne Strahl. Des Rätsels Lösung.' "Naturw. Wochenschrift". Dec. 13, 1914. PG. 109

Kühl, Dr. "Jahrbuch der Astronomie und Geophysik". 1910. PG. 105

Kühl, Dr. "Sammler". July 28, 1914. No.90. PG. 107

Kühl, Dr. A. 'Der grüne Sonnenstrahl'. "Jahrb. der Astron. u. Geophysik". 1910. p.345. PG. 99

Lucien Libert. 'Déformations solaires et rayon vert'. "La nature". Oct. 1902. p.332. PG. 60

Lippincott, R.C. Cann. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.11. PG. 81

Lippincott, R.C. Cann. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.29. PG. 82

Lippincott. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.190. PG. 87

R.C. Lippincott. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.234. PG. 91,92

Maclear, Admiral. 'Green Flash at Sunset'. "Symons's Meteorological Magazine". 1906 p.227. PG. 71

Maclear, Admiral. 'Green Flash at Sunset'. "Knowledge and Scientif. News" 1906 p.353. PG. 71

Mallet, R.T. "The green ray". J.B.A.A. vol 8, p. 94 1897. PG. 33

Markwick. 'Observation of the 'green ray'.' "J.B.A.A." vol. X(Oct.1899/Oct.1900). PG. 40

McKendrick, John G. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.209. PG. 88

Melzi D'Eril, P, Camille. "L'astronomie". Sept.1914. p.425. PG. 114

Miethe, Prof. Dr. 'Dämmerungsbeobachtungen'. "Prometheus". No.1035. Jahrg. 1909. PG. 92

Molyneux, T. 'The green flash'. "J.B.A.A." vol XVI p.31, 1905. PG. 70

Moore, Keatley. "J.B.A.A." vol XII p.218 PG. 54

Moore, Keatley. "J.B.A.A." vol XII p.248. PG. 55

Müller, Adolf. 'Galilei und das Kopernikanische Weltsystem', (1909). PG. 111

Müller, P. 'Einige Beobachtungen über die secundäre Erregung nach kurzer Reizung des Sehorgans.' "Diss. Kiel". 1909. PG. 101

Newcomb-Engelmann. "Pop. Astronomie" p.277. 1914. PG. 8

Nijland, A.A. Prof. 'Uber den grünen Strahl bei Auf- und Untergang der Sonne.' "Met. Zeit." 1902 p.335. PG.38,58

Nijland. Uber den grünen Strahl bei Auf- und Untergang der Sonne. "Astr. Nachrichten". Jahrg. 1902 p.93. PG. 38

Noble, William. 'The green ray'. "J.B.A.A." vol VIII p.46. PG. 28

Pacha, Dr. Abbate. 'La plus ancienne observation d'un phénomène naturel ou astrononique'. "Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien". 1893, p.326. PG. 26

[passengers on the "Saint-Laurent"], p.406. "Revue Scientifique". 1900, PG. 34

Pellat, M. a publie ces observations en 1887 dans le "Bulletin de la Société philomathique (7e Série t.XII p.22). PG. 36

Pellat. Séance de la Société française de Physique. Paris 1899. PG. 35

Petrie, W.M. Flinders. "Nature". Sept. 24, 1914. Vol. XCIV. PG. 115

Pickering, W.H. Prof. 'The green flash at sunset'. "M.N.R.A.S." vol LXI 1901 PG. 51

Pickering, W.H. 'Additional note on the green flash'. "M.N.R.A.S." vol LXI 1901 p.85. PG. 51

Piot-Bey. Note de M. Piot-Bey, présentée par M.A. Chauveu. C.R. 1898 p.893. "Physique du globe. A propos du rayon vert.". PG. 33

Plassman, J. "Naturw. Rundschau" Jahrg. 1898. p.672. PG. 32

Porter, Alfred W. 'The green flash'. "Nature". 18 Feb. 1915. PG. 116

Pringsheim, E., "Physik der Sonne". 1910. PG. 9

Pütter, A. Dr. Prof. 'Zur Kenntniss des grünen Strahles'. "Die Naturwissenschaften". June 18th, 1920. PG. 140

Radau, M. 'Astronomical refraction' "Annales of the Paris observatory" vol XIX. 1889. PG. 68 *** not a green flash reference***

Rambaut, Arthur A. 'The Green Flash on the horizon'. "Symons's Met. Mag.". 1906. p.21. (March and April issues) PG. 72,106

Ranyard. "English Mechanic" PG. 28

[Ranyard], "Knowledge". April 1899. p.126. PG. 71

Ricco. 'Memorie della Società degli Spettroscopisti Italiani'. Photographies des déformations du soleil couchant. Nota del Prof. W. Prinz. 1902 p.36. PG. 38

Riem, Dr. Prof. 'Eine Beobachtung des grünen Strahles.' "Naturw. Wochenschrift". Oct. 4, 1914. PG. 108

Schülke. "Naturw. Rundschau". Jahrg. 1899 p.16. PG. 38

Schuster, Arthur. 'The green flash'. "Nature". March 4, 1915. PG. 117

Shackleton, Sir Ernest. "South. The story of Shackleton's last Expedition 1914-1917". 1920. p.49. PG. 135

Smith, C. Michie. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.91. PG. 83

[Smith]. "Nature". April 1890. p. 538. PG. 71

Sohncke, L. "Met. Zeitschrift". 1889. B. VI. PG. 19

[Sohncke], "Nature". March 1890. p.495. PG. 71

Thurburn, Alex. 'The green flash'. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906 p.150. PG. 84

Trèves "Compt. Rend. de l'Académie des Sciences" p.845. 1885. Physique du globe. Sur le rayon vert, observé dans l'Océan Indien. Presentée par M. Chevreuil. PG. 16,35

Verne, Jules. "Le Rayon Vert". 15e Edition. pp. 26,27. PG. 1

Welznig. Der Grüne Strahl. "Kosmos" Dec 1912 Heft 4. S. 145. PG. 3,21,94

Whitmell, C.T. 'The green ray' "Journ. Brit. Astr. Assoc." vol VII (Oct. 1896-Oct.1897) p.514. PG. 27, 41

Whitmell, C.T. "J.B.A.A." VIII p.95. PG. 41

Whitmell, C.T. "J.B.A.A." VIII p.190. PG. 41

Whitmell, C.T. 'The green ray and the green sun'. "J.B.A.A." vol VIII p.95. PG. 28

Whitmell, C.T. 'The Green Flash'. "J.B.A.A". Vol. XI p. 75. PG. 40

Whitmell, C.T. 'The Green Flash and the Red.' "J.B.A.A." XII p.289. PG. 56,79

Whitmell, C.T. 'The green flash'. "J.B.A.A." vol XVI p.23. PG. 67

Whitmell. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.189. PG. 86

Whitmell. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.209. PG. 89

Whitmell. "Symons's Met. Mag." 1906. p.91. PG. 83

Whitmell. 'The Red Flash'. "Nature". Sept. 17, 1914. p.61. Vol.94. PG. 114

Whitmell. 'The Green Flash'. "Nature". March 11, 1915. p.35. PG. 119

There are numerous errata we have detected in Mulder's book. They have been corrected in the above list. Where there were missing authors' names, I have supplied them in [square brackets].

One of the more peculiar errors is the mistaken reference to p. 56 of Arrhenius, on p.100 of Mulder's book. This error is copied directly from Kühl's paper. P.56 of Arrhenius's book discusses variable stars, and is clearly irrelevant. The green flash is discussed on p.856; but the item being referenced, namely the value of 29" for the dispersion at the horizon (which Arrhenius attributes to Montigny), does not appear there, but on p. 829.

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